Hungries attacked the Establishment directly whereas the Beats never attacked the American Society.

Through their manifesto on politics, religion etc the Hungries directly attacked the society. The sent masks of demons, animals etc to the top people of Bengal Establishment, telling them to remove their masks. The distributed a marriage card wherein it was printed "Fuck the bastards of the Gangshalik School of Poetry. They sent a baby's shoe box to a reputed newspaper for review. No other literary group had such weapons in their armour either in USA or in Europe. Even the DADA movement did not attack the French society directly.
The Beats resorted to naked reading of poems or using so called obscene words in their poems and prose. They published naked group photographs for entertaining their own group. 
Both the manifesto had created so much turmoil in Calcutta society that The Daily Jugantar, one of the leading newspaper of the time, wrote their main editorial on them on two successive days.                                                     


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